Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Growth Groups: Update #1

I visited a Growth Group this last Saturday that I had never been to before. It was such a blessing to me! It was at the home of the Wherplotz family. Our church's janitor, Paulo Renato, led the group with Felipe Wherplotz. Paulo Renato and I have become pretty good friends. He is quite the evangelist. He has a very interesting story, but I will save that for another post.

Felipe Wherplotz is 16 years old and participates in the church's Youth Group. This young man is on fire for the Lord. I am studying personal evangelism with Felipe on Monday nights. Unfortunately, he is a rare breed. I don't know too many young people who are concerned about the eternal destiny of their friends and family. He really wants to know how to tell others about Jesus.

To get to this group Paulo Renato and I needed to walk up a very steep street. After about a half mile the street turned into a dirt road with pot holes. It was a different world for me. It was as close to walking through a slum that I have come to. It was a very poor neighborhood. As we approached the house where the group meets I was surprised to see a little house that was clean and cozy. The house was painted a cool green and had all kinds of plants and trees in the front yard. The back yard was one big garden, full of every kind of vegetable and plant you could imagine. Inside we spent most of our time in the living room. It was nice and clean and the pictures of family on the wall reminded me of my own home.

This group really tries to reach out to their neighbors. It is difficult though. Not many people in this neighborhood have an interest in Jesus. This group is mainly made up of Wherplotz family members. If everyone who frequents this group would all come on the same day it would be a big group. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen often. The people who were at this particular meeting were: Paulo Renato (leader), Irotildes Wherplotz (the mom), Felipe Wherplotz (co-leader and son), Luis Wherplotz (father), Vitor Wherplotz (son), Louvo (Vitor's brother-in-law), Raquel (daughter) and me. It was a family gathering!

I was very encouraged by the discussion and the fellowship that we had. It was a very good experience for me. It makes me feel good to see how this group is really doing well. They are glorifying the Lord! I am excited about my next visit to this group and my future visits to the other groups.

It is hard sometimes for us (Christians in general) to be evangelistic and to continue inviting people to know Jesus after we have been turned down time and time again. We want to grow! We want to share the Saviour! We believe that these Growth Groups are a great way to make these things happen. Please continue to pray for us as we continue to reach out to this great city.

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