Sunday, April 15, 2007


This evening our house church had a good discussion about the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus, in Luke chapter 24. We talked about why Jesus didn't reveal himself to the men as he walked and talked with them on the road, but how he did show himself right before he disappeared after he broke bread with them.

It is interesting how people can know who Jesus was and is but they don't really know him. I think that there are times when he chooses to reveal himself. We can get him intellectually, but not accept him in our hearts - and that is what matters. Today, he revealed himself to Keity Salgado! She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour and welcomed him into her heart. With our house church present I baptized Katy in our pool.

Keity prepares to be baptized by Sascha.

An emotional Keity comes up out of the water.

Sascha hugs his new sister in Christ!

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