Saturday, October 04, 2008

4 Months Left

It is hard to believe that we only have 4 months left before we head back to the US. What a crazy time to head back too! The financial crisis has us scratching our heads, but we trust the Lord and know that He will put us where we need to be. Over the last 4 years the strength of the dollar has dropped significantly, so we actually have some experience being in an on-going financial crisis of sorts.

Anyway, we have transitioned out of our responsibilities here (for the most part). I still meet with the other team guys once a week for prayer and updates on the work. I am grateful for that time. Prayer with my brothers is so vital for me. I also meet Paulo Renato and Cesar for lunch on Tuesdays. After our lunch, Cesar and I have a Bible study.

We are doing what we can right now to prepare for our life in the States. I am working on professional development to renew my teaching certificate and Jennifer is studying for the GRE. She will take it later this month. She is leaning heavily toward returning to school to get her Masters next fall.

As our time winds down we are trying to spend time with individuals and families that we are close to here. We really want to take it all in before it is too late. Through the good times and bad we are grateful for our time here in Brazil. We have learned a lot and have grown to be much more wise and mature. Our family is looking forward to taking our experiences here and using what we have learned to help bring more people to Christ wherever we may go in the future.

For now, we don't really know where that will be. But, we will keep you posted. Please continue to pray for our transition and for the church family in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

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