Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Roberto, Moema and their son, Kjeld

Over the past year and half we have learned a lot in our house church network. We have learned who people really are - their strengths and weaknesses; their passions and fears; their levels of spiritual maturity and immaturity. Sometimes it can be difficult and sometimes it can be overwhelmingly rewarding.

Roberto and Moema are some of our members who meet in the Blume's home on Sundays. They gave their lives to Jesus and were baptized almost 2 years ago. It seems that for them the transition to house churches was an easy one to make. Their faith-walk has been a struggle at times, but they always seem to do the right thing. We love them very much and are very proud of them and their desire to grow closer to the Lord.

Roberto is a man who is always striving to do better. He is always ready to share a blessing with a fellow follower of Christ. He has a great personality and an awesome smile and laugh.

This Sunday, Roberto will begin a 5-month Spiritual discipline course with a group called JOCUM (youth with a mission). He hopes to discover how to grow and use his spiritual gifts and to learn how to be a stronger disciple of Jesus. During the 5 months of the course, Roberto will be in another town. This means that he will not have the comfort of his own home or the company and encouragement of his own family.

Please pray for Roberto during the next 5 months. Pray that the Lord would use this opportunity to grow Roberto and to mature this church family. Roberto is an awesome example of how to sacrifice for the Kingdom. Like I said before, we are very proud of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sascha, I came across your blog this morning and enjoyed reading about your house church network. I thought you might also want to take a look at http://lk10.com/ This is a "community of practice" for people around the world who are planting house churches. Kent Smith, a prof at ACU, is part of our leadership team. Let me know if I can answer any questions about it.

John White (Denver, CO)