Monday, September 10, 2007

A Look at Sunday

One of the reasons for having this blog is to communicate what our ministries are like. I thought that it might be helpful to you faithful readers out there to know what our Sunday typically looks like - since it is our fullest day.

Our church family gets together in a network of house churches, so this may be a little different than what you are used to. Just to make this a little easier I will give you a run through of our day yesterday. Let's take a look....

Jennifer started yesterday by putting together a lunch with breaded chicken and tomato sauce, accompanied by a beautiful chocolate birthday cake. This last week Claudio (Claude) and Rute (Ruth) both celebrated birthdays. So, we decided to take them and their family (they have 3 girls - Keity, Jennifer & Lhaumar) lunch to show them how much they mean to us. After all was ready we got out the door at around 12:15pm.

We drove to Claudio and Rute's house which is in the little town of Cachoerinha. With little traffic and good driving conditions it takes us 30 minutes to get there. When we arrived yesterday we started off by introducing ourselves to C & R's neighbors. Their neighbors are a young couple with a 5 month old baby boy named Samuel. This little family has really struggled lately with health issues. C & R have really been making a great effort to get to know them.

Jennifer and Elisa went into the neighbor's house with Rute and the girls while I went in and visited with Claudio. Claudio and I talked about how last week went for us and about the neighbors. C shared with me that last Sunday night he and R went over to visit. They talked to their neighbors about our church family and told them that they would be praying for their health and various struggles. Then, Claudio prayed for them. He said that the wife cried the entire time they were visiting and the husband was on the verge of tears. C really felt that this couple had never been shown the love of Jesus before. He was very glad that he was making an impact on them already.

Once the girls got back we decided to start our meal. Rute made bread and rice to share with the chicken that Jennifer prepared. It was a wonderful meal. As we gathered around the table we also shared the Lord's Supper. We each went around and shared a way in which the Lord has been blessing our life. It was really good. Afterward we sang "Happy Birthday" and ate birthday cake.

Everyone enjoyed the meal and birthday cake.

We then had our worship time for about an hour or so. We normally have a Bible study and are currently working through the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, but yesterday we just sang our hearts out! As we closed our time together we took up our collection and decided to give it to the neighbors to help them pay for some medications.

At about 2:50 (two hours after arriving) we were out Claudio and Rute's door and on the way home to prepare for our 2nd house church of the day. This one meets in our home at 4pm. We were already pretty tired on the way home, knowing that the day was only half way over. Little Elisa feel asleep on the drive home (this is rare! she usually gets her 2nd wind in the car).

I have no idea how Jennifer took this picture while supporting Elisa's head with my driving! Poor thing was exhausted!

We made it home at 3:30 or so. Within 10 minutes of getting home we had a knock at the door. Tiago (James) and Lili were at the door. They came in and took a seat on the sofa while Jennifer put Elisa down for a nap and I ran all over the house cleaning up the mess we had made earlier (clearing off the table, putting away toys, sweeping, etc). I also made the bread for communion since we were fresh out.

Soon the others had arrived - Paulo Renato, Leni and her son Jorge. Because it is so much hotter these days we met in our living space downstairs that is protected from the hot sun. We sang songs and fellowshipped. We picked up where we had left off in our study of the Sermon on the Mount (same study that we are doing with C & R). This particular lesson was on adultery. It made for some pretty interesting conversation. We questioned and shared and studied. Then we took part in the Lord's Supper together. Our collection normally goes toward the construction of the dormitory at the Chácara (sha-ka-rra).

Our 2nd house church of the day (from left to right: Paulo Renato, Jorge, Jennifer, Lili, Tiago & Leni).

Afterward, Paulo Renato, Tiago and Lili stayed and visited. We had refreshments and good conversation until a little after 6pm. It is not unusual to have people in this house church stay until 7 or 7:30. We were a little grateful by the early departure this day though - just because we were already really tired.

Usually Elisa wakes up and entertains us all with her participation. However, she didn't wake up yesterday until everyone was long gone.

Once the day has come to a winding down point we (Jennifer and me) reflect on the day and how it went; whether we see people growing and maturing in their faith. Some Sundays are great and some are frustrating and of course there are days that fall somewhere in the middle.

We are all learning and trying to do what the Lord is blessing. I am very pleased with how things are going in all the house churches. The Lord is teaching us and stretching us with each moment we share with our church family. We really feel blessed to be involved in such a great ministry.

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