Monday, September 03, 2007

Celebrating Prayer

Last Sunday, August 26th, we had our normal last Sunday celebration. Our celebration services are a time that we all look forward to. Normally, our church family meets in 5 different houses each Sunday, but on the last Sunday of the month we all meet in a rented room at a Sports complex in town. This particular celebration was extraordinary (far from normal). On this Sunday we had a special family prayer time. We had couples to lead prayer groups in different parts of the room. As individuals and groups felt the need they went to the different couples for prayer. Some prayer groups were small while others were large. Whatever the size, the effect was the same - overwhelmingly powerful. The power of prayer can be revealing, healing, soothing and even freeing. Maybe everyone at the celebration had a stronger sense of family through our prayer time together. I think it is possible we all left last Sunday's celebration feeling truly blessed to have been in such powerful fellowship with our Christian family.

In addition to the wonderful family prayer time that we had, we celebrated the birth in Christ of Bronwyn Blume. Bronwyn is the eldest daughter of our teammates Kevin and Benay. She was baptized in July while their family was on furlough. It is our church family's tradition to present a gift of a new Bible to members of the youth group who choose to give their lives to Christ. Afterward, all the teens gather to pray for the new brother or sister.

1 comment:

the Jewell family said...

What in the world!? This is the first I'm hearing of Bronwyn's baptism. I need to check in here more often. Ooh, maybe I need to check the Blumes' site more thoroughly too. Surely this is posted there. Thank you for bringing me important news from Porto Alegre, and thank you for commenting on my blog and bolstering my self-esteem.